this precious girl is fifteen months old! she is awesome. period. she seriously brings so much joy to our life and is SO MUCH FUN. she's getting so big and learns new stuff every day. she is now a full-out fit thrower when she doesn't get her way -- then she realizes we aren't paying attention to the fits and gets over it :) she gives kisses to us and to sonny, is learning to eat with a spoon and fork by herself, and is talking up a storm. most of what she says we can't understand, but she's mastered the basics and throws in some others like bubble, ball, and woof; we're working on hadleigh and sonny. she's started "dancing" all over the place and it's the cutest thing you'll ever see. jered and i need to get it on video for everyone to see. she's eating everything you put in front of her -- her favorites right now are bananas, cheese, yogurt, and green beans. she is into EVERYTHING now -- drawers, cabinets, shelves, baskets, everything. if there is something in there that she can reach, you better believe everything will be strewn on the floor once she gets ahold of it. she's actually paying semi-attention to one tv show now. it's called word world -- it's a cute cartoon on pbs kids. she loves to dance to all the songs. i can't wait to see what comes next...
1 comment:
Happy 15 months! I can't believe it's been that long since your pregnant myspace status updates :) Best of luck with Operaction Paci!
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