in the target parking lot, there was a woman walking up with her friends. i hear her say, "oh, look at the cute baby", which was followed by "look how big her head is!" nice.
on to mcalister's. we were sitting waiting for my food and had this conversation:
bald guy: (to hadleigh) hi there. i see you're wearing pink... i assume you're a girl?
me: yes, she is.
bald guy: how old is she?
me: 11 months.
bald guy: (to hadleigh) oh, don't worry. eventually you'll have more hair than me.
then another guy walks by...
random guy: well, she's cute. how old?
me: 11 months.
random guy: wow! you certainly are healthy. you must be quite a good eater!
wow. i'm glad i do not take offense to comments like these. but sometimes i do wish people kept some comments to themselves, please and thank you.
love that people point out the obvious!
not to worry KB I was bald until I was like 2! Not to mention I <3 your bald, healthy, big-headed baby!
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