i am officially halfway done being pregnant with baby two! here is my current belly at 20 weeks, 2 days.
baby two is now the size of a banana and moving around like crazy... he/she moves like crazy at night, but not so much during the day (or maybe i don't notice as much during the day because i'm chasing another crazy active kid)! my belly is definitely getting out there for all to see. 1 month made a big difference! i am carrying higher this time though, so i am still wearing all regular clothes :) i go to the doctor friday for a check-up and to hear the heartbeat.
and no, i still haven't convinced jered that he needs to know the sex of this one. bummer.
sunday fun day.
i've been working a lot of sundays lately, so it has become a daddy/daughter day. jered and hadleigh have a great time dancing to music videos on vh1 (taylor swift is her favorite right now), terrorizing sonny, going on drives with the windows down, and watching football and nascar. these are some pictures jered took this past sunday... such a daddy's girl. she won't wear a headband with a bow on it for anything, but she rocked this razorback one for a while because he got tons of pictures :)

baby two.
i'm obviously not very gifted with computers or scanners, but here it is... the most recent picture of baby two. we had our ultrasound tuesday and saw a sweet little perfect baby, 18 weeks and 1 day, weighing 9 ounces. i thought i could convince jered on the way that he was so excited, he just had to find out the sex... but no such luck. i should have known better. so our baby is currently baby no name no sex. thus far, the baby is looking perfect; my placenta is "low", so i'll get another ultrasound around 26 weeks just to make sure all is well. so we'll get to see this little one again soon!

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