happy anniversary, hubby! i love you.
apparently, she decided she wanted to play in daycare today. so she went crawling away, turned around giggling, and started to crawl away again... and a little boy in her class followed her! her teachers said they were chasing each other around the room today. hilarious.
jered was not happy about this. he is appalled that his little girl is such a flirt this early on :) i, however, think it is so stinkin cute.
sonny. hadleigh is loving sonny again. she lost interest for a little bit, but now it's back. this newfound "interest" mostly consists of hitting sonny in the face, on his nose, and across his tail (while she tries to pull it). he looks exhausted in this picture... probably because that mess of a child keeps beating on him.
getting into things she shouldn't... mostly this includes dog food, dvds, mama's school stuff, anything but her own things. this week, the list has grown to include the fireplace (her new favorite place to climb!).
daddy! hadleigh loves her daddy. she actually is laughing in this picture -- hysterically laughing. her face lights up every time she sees him. i love watching the two of them together... makes me love jered more and more every day!
food. any food. we have yet to put something in front of hadleigh that she will not consume. this picture was her first go at beef-a-roni... kind of gross, i know, but she LOVED it.
shoes. for whatever reason, if any shoes are sitting by the front door, she gravitates towards them. she likes to pull/untie/chew on shoelaces, beat the shoes into the floor, and bang on the soles of shoes...
bathtime! hadleigh would stay in the bathtub for hours if we'd let her. she loves everything about the bathtub -- she loves to crawl across the tub, splash, and throw toys out of the tub :)

i go to grad school at duke. i'm pretty proud of it, and i like them alright; therefore, i have a little duke sticker in the back window of my car.
today, hadleigh and i went to kohl's. as i was putting her in her stroller, two guys walked by (at least in their 30's) and mumbled, "duke sucks." whatever.
THEN -- hadleigh and i were walking up the entrance, and a truck drives by. the guy proceeds to roll down his window and again say "duke sucks." all i said was ok, so he said it AGAIN.
seriously? what grown man is so anti-duke (or anti-anything) that he taunts a woman and her tiny child in the kohl's parking lot? cool, guy.