4 month hadleigh
hadleigh turns 4 months old on saturday! today we went for her 4 month checkup. she's doing awesome developmentally, and i think the weight gain issues are definitely behind us -- she's catching up quick! she weighed 11 pounds 2 ounces, which puts her in the 10th percentile now! she's 2 feet tall and her head is 16 inches, both in the 50th percentile. she was too fun at her doctor's appointment -- totally mellow and people-watching the doctor and nurse the whole time to make sure she could see every little thing that was going on! we'll be trying the rice cereal and spoon thing soon, so i'm sure more fun pictures will be up soon!
3 month pictures
back in nc!

well, we made it back on sunday. hadleigh was again AWESOME on both flights. she just cuddled up in her daddy's lap and slept for both flights! now that we're back, hadleigh and i are just relaxing until school starts back up again next week!! she's getting so big! she's gotten really into grabbing everything, trying to fit both fists into her mouths, and staring at all ceiling fans. she's also rolling over like crazy. she's also starting to learn that soon her arms and legs could get her places, so she plants her fists in front of her and pushes off with her legs to scoot across the floor. she can actually make it a few feet doing that! it's only a matter of time before i'm chasing her around the house... :)
we're here!
we made it! baby hadleigh and i arrived in arkansas wednesday! she was the most amazing baby on the flights... for the duration of two flights, she fussed for a total of 2 minutes. she slept through both takeoffs and landings. i'm such a lucky mama to have such an awesome kiddo :) since we got here, she's been sleeping from 10pm to 8am every night. i think she's still exhausted from the travelling festivities. but she's doing great and we're having so much fun with family and friends. more later...
fun new things
hadleigh rolled from her back to her stomach today! it was so stinkin cute. the first time she did it, i looked down and saw her on her belly and thought "i didn't leave you like that." so i put her on her back again and she rolled over! every time i flipped her over, she would roll back. she pushes off with her feet and propels herself over. it's so funny. she'll be wreaking havoc on our house in no time :)
2 days and counting...
arkansas bound!
hi! well, this summer is coming to a close... between having a new baby, school, clinical, work, and jered being out of town like crazy, i'm exhausted!! but i wouldn't trade it for the world. hadleigh and i finally have a chance to come home now. this wednesday, we're boarding a plane to come to arkansas for a week and a half! we're so excited. for all of you who have only seen pictures, you're going to fall in love all over again when you see her in person :) here are some pictures to keep you entertained until we get there...

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