

our sweet hadleigh lynn is officially 2 1/2 years old! i definitely have a love/hate relationship with this age. hadleigh has quite the dramatic personality (gets it from her mama) and everything she does is definitely taken up a notch. she can be sweetest girl ever, offering up hugs and kisses all over the place... and in the next second is kicking and screaming on the floor in an all-out temper tantrum. she goes to time out for her fits, so she has learned that if she goes to time-out and stops crying, time out is over. if she gets sent to time out for anything else, she immediately starts saying "all done fits! all done fits!" like it's her free pass from timeout. it's hilarious. i try to tell myself "this too shall pass" and enjoy the fun parts because there is so much fun in her right now! she is such a funny kid and is starting to really talk a lot in the past few months... putting more words and sentences together. lately, she has also become more defiant, so the phrases i hear most frequently are "please stop", "please don't do that", and "please put me down." she exaggerates the please and makes it into a 5 syllable word and it's hilarious. the past week or two, she's also been saying "that's a great idea", "you betcha" and "you got it!" a lot. love it. she knows all of her abc's and the sounds they make... we're learning on writing our letters. she knows her colors, shapes, and numbers up to 10 (10-20 are kind of hit or miss). she's super smart and loves to learn and be read to. she has mastered the art of the iPhone... she can unlock it, find her games, and start playing without any help. she also knows how to rearrange all of the icons into folders that mama does not know how to fix :) she loves to go on walks (and collect leaves and sticks and flowers like in the picture above) and do any outside activity... slide, sidewalk chalk, bubbles. loves them all. she currently hates the idea of potty training, but that is soon to be a non-negotiable and we're going to master the potty! i have a whole bag of dum-dums waiting for bribery! she loves to play pretend, so we play with babies and tea parties a lot. this is a definitely a super fun age -- i'm trying to enjoy and soak it all in before my baby is all grown up!

9 months!

dear sawyer,
you are 9 months old! you are the most fun, laidback baby i know. so fun and smiling all of the time. you are getting so big! we just went for your 9 month check-up and you weighed 18 pounds 7 ounces and were 27 1/2 inches tall. i can't remember your head size, but it's in the 75th percentile... you have a big noggin right now. you are wearing 6-9 and 6-12 month clothes and size 3 diapers. you LOVE to eat, but are super picky. you hate most vegetables and aren't a big fan of trying new things. right now, you are loving peach yogurt, cheerios, any fruit, and apples with chicken. you love to bang toys on everything and make noise, climb the stairs, and get into everything. if mama tells you "no", you just laugh and get into everything even more. you say mama and dada now (you said dada first) and love to clap. you think it's hilarious when you clap and people say "yay!" makes you clap even more! you still think your sister is the coolest person you know... i hope this lasts for a while! you are crawling like a madman, standing up for long periods of time (holding on to nothing!), and have started standing up from a sitting position without pulling up on anything. it's only a matter of time before you start walking and our lives become even more chaotic! you are such an incredible blessing to our lives, and we love having you around!
mama, dada, and hadleigh